Moonkits: How To Re-map for e-drums

Moonkits: How To Re-map for e-drums

By Soniccouture  |  12.11.2019

We’ve had lots of requests to remap Moonkits, for use with e-drums and other trigger systems.

We weren’t able to include a remapping system in the instrument because of the differing articulations across instrument groups, but there is an easy way to fix this using Multi-scripts…

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  1. Kontakt includes a handy multi-script for exactly this purpose, and it’s not scary. Go to the top bit of Kontakt, where it says ‘Multi-rack : New (Default)’, and click the ‘KSP’ button to the right.




2.  You’ll see a grey panel appear. A bit scary, but you’re going to power through this. At the left edge of the panel you’ll see some buttons, click on the ‘Preset’ button, and Go to Factory > Transform > Change Keys


Multi script menu


3. You’ll see the script panel appear. Here you can simply change which incoming key triggers which Kontakt note. simple, right?


Screenshot 2019-11-12 09.20.42


4. You can now save this Multi you’ve created as a multi preset: File Menu >Save Multi As, and recall it whenever you need.


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Moonkits: First Look By Andre Louis

Moonkits: First Look By Andre Louis

By Soniccouture  |  19.10.2019

Work on Moonkits, our new brushed drum instrument, has just about finished, so we passed it to friend of SC Andre Louis for an exclusive first look, from a visually impaired perspective.

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Coming In 2019

Coming In 2019

By James Thompson  |  06.01.2019

A happy new year to all our users. I’d like to tell you about what we have planned this year at Soniccouture..

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The first new release of 2018 will be: Sheng Sho Khaen, featuring three different Asian mouth-organ type wind instruments.

Following that will be a major update to The Attic adding 8 new instruments sampled from rare vintage pieces, including: Minitmoog, Crumar DP-80, Logan Vocalist, Siel Orchestra 2, Apr Omni 2, Cheetah MS-800.

We have a new drum product, Moonkits – a collection of brushed drums with quirky and unusual setups. This will probably see the light of day in the summer.

Also in production is an atmospheric recording of a large church organ, recorded in the famous ambience of All Saints church in Tooting, London. This was a preferred recording venue for Sony Classical for many years in the 1980s and 90s.




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NyckelHarpas: User Video

NyckelHarpas: User Video

By Soniccouture  |  30.10.2018

Nyckelharpas, our latest product, is a Swedish keyed string instrument. It’s been a very popular release, with loads of great feedback from users – largely due to the versatility of the package, with two models of harpa, and bowed and pizzicato articulations.

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Longtime Soniccouture user Anders Wall helped beta test the instrument with us, and he made this great video replacing the audio on a live Nyckelharpas performance with audio direct from the kontakt instrument.

Anders wrote this about the video:
Magnus Holmström is an amazing performer, my mockup doesn’t come close to his playing.
But then again most of the players I’ve recorded over the years doesn’t have the same skills with the bow as he. I believe the mockup I did, with some added reverb and some light use of an exciter, would sound as good as many players out there.”

The original video:

Anders: “The strength the two instruments Soniccouture offers are that they are so versatile.
For example, I like the noise from keys but not the sympathetic strings. It’s so easy to dial that in.
This mockup has slightly more of the key-noises than default and I activated some of the effects that comes with the instrument.

Thanks to Anders Wall and Magnus Holmström.

Nyckelharpas Page

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Fantastic walk-through videos

Fantastic walk-through videos

By Soniccouture  |  19.06.2018

Cory Pelizzari makes excellent videos about sampled instruments.
His considered, calm delivery enables him to get really deep into a product without it ever feeling overwhelming.

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He’s made 4 videos about Soniccouture instruments now ( see below), and even we learnt some tricks when watching them. Highly recommended, subscribe to his Solonoid Studio youtube channel now.


Haunted Spaces




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