Scriptorium : Binaural Beats II

Scriptorium : Binaural Beats II

By Dan Powell  |  13.02.2014

Binaural Beats is a complete rebuild of an earlier script in our Scriptorium package, originally titled Brainwave Detune. This is a special kind of detune effect.

Usually detune is specified as a constant cents difference between two signals, but Binaural Beats detunes by a constant frequency difference. This means that the beat frequency between the signals is constant across the keyboard range.

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This is an effect often found in new-age binaural beating meditation recordings.  Folk wisdom suggests that when these frequencies are perceived by the brain within binaural audio, the brain becomes entrained by the frequencies and enters a similar resonant pattern itself, thus putting the listener into a desired mental state.  There is absolutely no medical or scientific evidence for this.

In Brainwave Detune we offered a few fixed Brainwave choices, but in the remarkable Binaural Beats II update you can now dial in an exact Hertz value for the Detune amount.   Note that for the Hz values to be absolutely correct you need to be playing in A440 equal temperament, although the effect will work in any tuning.

Typical areas of interest are:

Delta,  0.5 to 4 Hz.   This is region of your brainwave resonance when you are extremely relaxed or in a very deep sleep.

Theta, 4-8 Hz.  This region of frequencies is displayed when you are in deep meditation or thought.

Alpha, 8-12 Hz. A relaxed but alert state of mind.

Beta 13-20 Hz.  Highly alert or perhaps agitated mind.

Binaural pic

The Width control pans the signals out in the stereo image.   For truly binaural beats, they should be panned 100%, but often the effect is more obvious in mono (0%).   It is a rather subtle effect if you don’t already know what you’re listening for.

Oddly enough, traditional Balinese gamelan is detuned in the same way, that is with a constant beat frequency between instruments (and octaves).   Typically Balinese tuners aim for a beat frequency of between 6 to 8 Hz, which they liken to a shiny or glimmering effect on the music.


Binaural Beats

Works with Kontakt 4.2.4 or later.

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Scriptorium : Channel Rotate

Scriptorium : Channel Rotate

By Dan Powell  |  14.01.2014

In the comments of the last KSP post Kevin suggested an idea for a channel rotate script, much like the Alternate Assign MIDI mode of some early Yamaha synths like the TX-81Z or TX-802. In this mode, each note received was sent to a successive channel in the multi. It made for some interesting sequencing possibilities, or even a kind of random chord divisi system.

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This is another idea that works best at the Multi level, so this is our multi script post number 2, Channel Rotate:



You can set the type of rotating “direction” with the pull-down menu on the left.  The choices are Forward, Backward, Back and Forth, or Random.   The range of start and ending channel are set with the Start and End Channel menus.   Note that it’s up to you to make sure these channel slots are occupied or not: the script rotates through the defined channels, NOT the loaded instruments.    You can use up to 64 MIDI channels in Kontakt.

Continuous Controllers are slightly strange for this script.   I’ve decided to route them to the current channel, that selected by the last received note-on message.   Since you can hold down many notes, this means that the current channel can be changed before a given note is finished.    The Sustain Pedal (CC 64) is therefore a particularly dangerous controller, so if the Disable Sustain button is switched on all Sustain Pedal messages will be ignored.   You can turn this off tho, if you like living dangerously.



Works with Kontakt 4.2.4 or later.

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Maschine 2 Konkrete Kits Now Available

Maschine 2 Konkrete Kits Now Available

By James Thompson  |  09.01.2014

After receiving a lot of requests to produce Maschine 2 preset files for Konkrete 3, Ed, Le Maschinier, has produced the full set. Konkrete 1, 2 and 3 kits preset files are now available to download for Konkrete 3 users.

The update can be downloaded from the your Soniccouture account.

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After receiving a lot of requests to produce Maschine 2 preset files for Konkrete 3, Ed, Le Maschinier, has produced the full set. Konkrete 1, 2 and 3 kits preset files are now available to download for Konkrete 3 users.

The update can be downloaded from the your Soniccouture account.

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Scriptorium : Multiscripts & Key Split

Scriptorium : Multiscripts & Key Split

By Dan Powell  |  14.12.2013

This is the first post in our KSP series that involves a Multi script, so I thought I’d take the time here to explain briefly what a Multi script is and how it’s different from the Instrument scripts we’ve been dealing with so far.

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The main, perhaps obvious, difference is that Multi scripts are loaded and saved with a Multi, whereas Instrument scripts are loaded and saved within an Instrument.   But this also means that they are able to do and access slightly different things.   An Instrument script has access to the synthesis engine within the Instrument itself, you can adjust filters and so on.   A Multi has none of that, because it lives on a higher level of the structure.   It doesn’t really “know” what Instruments are within it, and is only able to adjust incoming MIDI data itself.

  But this is useful for some functions that are not so convenient to do within an Instrument.

It’s very important to remember that you cannot use a Multi script as an Instrument script, nor vice versa.   They will each only work if in their proper location.  Multi scripts have the same extension as Instrument scripts (.NKP) which sometimes adds to the confusion, so be sure you know what type of script you’re dealing with before you try to install it.

Multi scripts also need to be in a different directory than Instrument scripts, they live here:

/ Documents / Native Instruments / Kontakt 4 / presets / multiscripts /

Once you’ve downloaded a new Multiscript from somewhere, drop it into that folder and re-start Kontakt.    You then need to open the Multiscript window by clicking on the little “paper scroll” icon at the top right of the Kontakt window.

Then using the Preset menu on the far left, you can then choose Presets from the “user” submenu, which will list everything you’ve put in your “multiscripts” folder.


We’ve had several emails requesting this function, so here’s our version of a handy Multi script.

Sometimes it’s convenient to have one sound on the upper part of your keyboard and a completely different sound on the lower part.   Live players often need this kind of feature, and many controller keyboards have this functionality built in.    If you don’t have a controller keyboard that can do it, it can be a bit tedious to edit all your Instruments to the range you want, and also to transpose them how you need, etc.

Multi scripting is ideal for this kind of job.   All the script does is check the incoming note, if it’s above the split point it’s routed to one MIDI channel, if it’s below the split point it’s routed to another.  This means you can have two Instruments loaded in Kontakt, on different MIDI channels, and arrange these as you like on the keyboard.


You’ll notice in the screen grab that you can adjust the split point (default middle C).  You can also shift the octave of the upper and lower sections of the keyboard, which is handy for getting each sound in the desired range.  I’ve layered a Broken Wurli lead type sound with a Novachord Pad in the above example, and for my purposes I wanted to play the Novachord an octave up from my left hand’s input, so I set the left knob to +1.

Controllers (Mod Wheel, Aftertouch, Pitch Bend, etc) are by definition “channel wide”, so you can’t route these based on an input pitch.   The last menu on the right allows you to choose one of three options for the controllers.  They can be routed to the Upper or Lower Instrument, or both.

If you save a multi, the settings of this script will be saved with the multi.   But remember that this script is not saved with the Instruments included in the multi at all.

I’ve left this script unlocked, so curious users can have a look at how it works, and edit it if they like.   It’s conceivable, for example, to edit this script so that each individual note could be set to any output note and MIDI channel, thus allowing you to build large Multi drum kits from many Kontakt Instruments.    I may do that in a future example.


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In Da Vinci’s Sonic Footsteps

In Da Vinci’s Sonic Footsteps

By James Thompson  |  20.11.2013

The music-tech internets lit up this week with news of Slawomir Zubrzycki’s construction of one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s imagined inventions : the Viola Organista :

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LEO Systems Easi-Bow 2000

Several people posted it on our FB page and tweeted us about it in the space of a few hours, and it is clearly an appealing concept : an instrument that bows a string in a very controlled, predictable way, just by pressing a key – rather than the daunting chaos of the violin or the cello. I bet painters wish he’d invented an enigmatic-smile-a-tron as well.

What people may not know is that there are other versions of this idea around; a recent example that leaps to mind is the Wheelharp by Antiquity Music :


Probably the closest DNA match would be the Hurdy Gurdy, the difference being that all the strings on a Hurdy are always in constant contact with the turning wheel.

The Hurdy Gurdy from the Conservatoire Collection

If Da Vinci had Kontakt..

And, as Dan pointed out to me, our own Bowed Piano  (included in the Xtended Piano collection) is a direct virtual equivalent. Using the sustain bow articulation you get the same kind of bowed sound, controllable by a MIDI keyboard. The bowed piano sound is looped in Kontakt, so it directly mirrors the effect of the wheel turning in the Organista.


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