Konkrete 3 Live Pack


Konkrete Drums 3 utilizes (and sometimes brutalizes) all manner of musical instruments – from the high-end, to the esoteric to the just plain weird – in the mad pursuit of never-before-heard hits, kicks, punches, thuds, bangs, klangs and shudders.  

Great care has been taken to extract maximum musical usability and flexibility out of the decidedly unorthodox sample material.

As with Konkrete Drums 1 and 2, all sounds are organized into kits, each of which opens as a Drum Rack – complete with an array of useful macro controls and effects that let you completely shape and transform beats on the fly.

Konkrete3 Live Pack In Live

Konkrete 3 Sound Design

Sound Design Sources

The kits are the foundation that gives Konkrete 3 its unique sonic range and power. A vast array of techniques, recording sessions, synths, gear and tools were used to create this unrivalled sonic palette - featured among the sounds you'll find : Buchla 200e synth | Metal playground | 9ft grand piano | Telemark synth | ebay drum kit (smashed) | Broken soviet drum machine | Circuit bent samplers | a Guzheng | Liepzig synth | Culture Vulture distortion unit | Rhodes Stage 73 | Contact mics | Physical modelling algorithms| Mobile phone codecs | Thunder Drum | Epson printer | Acoustic guitars | Washing Machines | Vaccum Cleaner Tubes | SledgeHammers | Vintage Phono Pre-amps | wire brushes | and many more..  

Here are some details of a few of the kits included in Konkrete 3 LivePack :  

Xtended Piano: Created inside a 9 foot grand piano, this kit includes seriously meaty low kicks and thuds, plus piano string scrapes, body smacks and resonant boings. Ideal for suspenseful beats & soundscapes or other cinematic-influenced beats.  

Buchla Percussion: Created by jamming on a Buchla 200e modular synth, this impressive bag of atonal clangs, metallic thwacks and hang-drum tonalities is a packed toolkit for the more experimentally-minded.  

Guzheng Kit 1 + 2: A delicate chinese zither is mic'd up, and micro-mined for hits; flicks, scrapes, echos. An organic set perfect for chilled breaks.  

Smash kit: We bought an old Hohner drum kit on eBay. We had to pick it up from a scary lock-up garage near a seaside town in England. Then we took it into the studio AND HIT IT WITH SLEDGEHAMMERS. We remembered to mic it up first, though. Snares like car-crashes.  

EP73 Kit: The delicate, vintage insides of a Rhodes Stage 73.. hooked up to contact mics, with the gain cranked right up. Small metallic knocks and resonant tails build up into one of the dubby-est sounding kits in the collection.

Codec Kit : Digital cell-phone compression pushed to the edge for drum-sound design. Half-formed vocals are warped into percussive hits using some of the nastiest audio algorithms out there.  

Evil Robot Kit : The sound of Optimus Prime with his balls caught in a trash compactor, but like drums.  

Epson Kit : Jam paper-clips into those intricate moving printer-mechanisms until it shouts, spasms and shakes. Record. Chop into hits.   Wave Kit : A kit fully synthesised in Live, using a wide variety of sustained synth waveforms. These sounds can be fully reshaped using amp and filter EGs and other subtractive techniques.  

Physik Kit : The clinical sound of physical modelling synthesis, pushed into slightly strange sonic areas. Minimal and futuristic.  

Discrete Kit : The sound of discrete analogue synthesis, pushed into percussive distortion by a sound designer desperate for ever harder drums. A 24 pole ladder filter knocks and squalls in tightly controlled bursts.  

Vulture Kit : Growling tape-distortion hits, built up layer on layer using tape machines and old delay units.  

Inside the Kick and The Snare Kit : An acoustic kick and snare drum were taken into a forensically quiet studio and had tiny high-definition mics inserted into their shells. Tiny percussive actions were then performed on the skins and drum bodys, to capture a perspective from acoustic drums that you don't usually hear. Very dry, arid and upfront sound hits.



  • Official Ableton Product
  • Requires Live 9.0.1 or later. 
  • Authorised by Ableton serial number,  in your Ableton.com user account.